by Andrea Revi
National Art Critic, Professor of Art (University of Rome)
Often the reality of today is not a source of positive inspiration for an artist. The world is adrift and uncertain. In the art world, there are good "salesmen" who succeed with the help of so-called critics that mistakenly praise those with the loudest voice and allow true talent to go unheard. This reality, however, for an artist like Carla Carli Mazzucato, only strengthens her resolve to whisper her constant creative voice, rising above the trends that bubble at the art world's shore so often polluted by marketing novelties.
Carla Mazzucato is, first and foremost, honest with herself. Her paintings are drawn from her own perceptions of life—her impressions, uninfluenced by any socially imposed manner of thinking. She does not follow the current; hers is a truly free art, light-years from any set tradition. She paints a contemporary world rich with intense colors and hues that radiate optimism. Landscapes, compositions, flowers, all born from a truth interpreted by Mazzucato's innate talent.
To see Mazzucato paint is more than a discovery. She gives form and feeling to each piece with color and intuition, with no afterthoughts, and rarely any corrections. She begins creating from the moment she chooses her subject, and by the time her brush reaches her canvas, the image is clear. Light is her guide, and with a studied stroke she can suggest a ray of sunlight on a leaf, on a gravel path, on a branch...
classic art — contemporary vision
Exhibit Review - Galleria S. Isaia (Bologna, Italy) - 1996
Now many of her paintings hang on the walls of numerous people throughout the world, even here in Bologna, in various homes and private collections. But the value of Mazzucato's art is much more than the appreciating price of one of her works can measure. And with this, her second exhibit at the Gallery S. Isaia of Bologna, we are given the chance to rediscover Mazzucato's artistry, which through its magnificent honesty and purity does honor to our entire city.
translation: pvm
Galleria S. Isaia
Bologna, Italy
Winter in Moscow
Golden Icon
Red Square