by Thomas Lawrence
Carla Carli Mazzucato was born in Italy and was significantly influenced by the Appiano countryside where, she states, “The orchards and vineyards reached up to the mountains, expressing a beauty that would only too soon be ravaged by war.” That bitter-sweet experience imbued the artist's work with intense passion for her subjects. Her work exudes a profound depth and prevailing optimism.
The artist credits French painter Georges Rouault for her affinity for capturing a fleeting moment in time and a variety of moods, as well as the expression of beauty and solitude. “I want to express in light and color the unlimited space, the infinite distance, the eternal sky, the blending of all people with the world around them, moving toward a new horizon of harmony and peace,” she states. “I am a storyteller portraying life in visual languages.”
A consummate explorer of creativity, Mazzucato also creates three-dimensional “Mazzucato Tableaux” which exude the celebrations of life indigenous to her paintings. These innovative works offer the viewer intimate glimpses into enchanting, imaginative worlds that are always evolving.
classic art — contemporary vision
Art Critique - Manhattan Arts Magazine (U.S.A.) - Spring 1996

Mazzucato studied art in Venice and Milan and moved to the U.S. in 1962. Her works are in numerous private and public corporate collections throughout the U.S. Canada, Europe, Korea and Japan. She has had many solo and group shows in museums and galleries world-wide. Her work was recently exhibited at SoHo's Montserrat Gallery, and it will be featured in an exhibition at Gallery 454, in Michigan, in April. The recently published book “Mazzucato: New Horizons,” features 60 paintings with a foreword by Samuel Sachs II, Director of the Detroit Institute of Arts.