Les Krantz, editor
After formal training in the classics, she developed an individual expressionistic style influenced by the work of Georges Rouault. Like Rouault, she is moved by modern man's misery, and there is the same poetic isolation of a figure in a half real world. However, unlike Rouault, her art conveys an ultimate optimism in the nature of man and her figures seem to walk towards an indefinite horizon in the hope of finding “that moment of truth and peace.” When painting, she follows a composition of colors with broad wide strokes, painting according to the inspiration of the moment, creating multi-formed mountainsides, villages, people, figures, portraits and flowers.
classic art — contemporary vision
Art Critique - American Artists, An Illustrated Survey of Leading Contemporaries - 1989 (2nd Edition)
“Faces of Redemption” is a collection of 14 new paintings conceived as the first phase of a church commission for the Stations of the Cross in Mazzucato's home town of Bolzano, Italy. Exhibited with the paintings are black and white prints of the same subject, produced from the woodcut panels which will later be painted and installed in the church.
In “Faces of Redemption” Mazzucato endows Biblical figures with the immediacy and identifiability of contemporary representation. The faces reveal man's zealous and centuries-old quest for peace and harmony through the passion of color and dramatic composition. Her “Celebration of Life” paintings reflect the artist as a modern crusader and explorer.
Carla Carli Mazzucato
“I risk and I venture - discover my life, with each passing day.”
A resident of Trenton, Michigan, Mazzucato has worked diligently as a member of the Downriver Council for the Arts “for the cultural development of the Downriver area and to be a support group for our artists.” Her efforts have included the establishment and ownership of the Alpha Art Gallery on Grosse Ile from 1977 to 1984, and the formation of the Downriver Artists Guild. Recently she received the “Salute to Excellence” award from DCA for her positive impact on the Downriver area.
Love (Faces of Redemption)
Compassion (Faces of Redemption)